What We Do


Our Approach

Aligned with the MDG4 & MDG5 we started to work on improving MNCH related knowledge and behavior of the marginalized people to contribute in reducing maternal, neonatal and child mortality rate in Bangladesh. We initially provided BCC messages through mobile phone channel and expanded the spectrum to interactive tools like call center, doctor’s line, web-based service and mobile app. Later on we welcomed the SDG goal 3 and widened our service for the adolescent group. Our continuous effort and interest to build a 360 degree healthcare system has made us reconsider the target group from marginalized to all in economic status quo; women to men, adolescent boys & girls, parents and elderly person; from mobile based service to doorstep health solution and more interactive and customizable health solution design for the customer.

Our Focus Area

1. Smart digital health solution through Mobile BCC, mobile app and web-service service for pregnancy care, neonatal & baby care, early childhood care and adolescence care
2. Non-communicable disease management
3. Automated predictive personalized health care
4. Referral & Ambulance service
5. Partnership/integration with other health services

Our Clients/Target/ We Work For

1. Expecting women
2. Mother of baby upto 5 years old
3. Other family member
4. Adolescent girls, boys & their parents
5. Urban people of all age
6. Elderly persons

Our Services & Products

1. Subscription based multi-platform BCC service
2. Doctor’s line
3. Call center
4. Web-service
5. Mobile app