Aponjon Koishor

Adolescence is a very exciting, sensitive and vulnerable times of our lives. It is also the time of curiosities and questions. So many questions pop up in mind, but some questions are too delicate to ask others especially if they are personal in nature and related to one’s sexuality/reproductive health or emotional conflicts. Aponjon Koishor comes with answers to all such questions and curiosities of the adolescent mind – and yes, in their native tongue Bengali. It provides information on physical and mental changes during puberty, sexual and reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, drug abuse, how to cope up with their feelings and emotions, why parents act differently as they grow up, attraction to opposite sexes, relationship, selection of spouse, marriage, divorce, methods of contraception, pregnancy, abortion, MR, gender rights issues and many more.

The information in the app are presented in the form of articles as well as in the form of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). The topics are listed categorically for ease of discovery. The content of the app were based on the four booklets published by BCCP under the ‘Nijeke Jaano’ series and the FAQ databank created by icddr,b research. National and international experts contributed in the process of content development to ensure the information presented in the app scientifically accurate and socially acceptable in social and religious context of Bangladesh. Adolescents can use the mobile app with peace of mind without revealing their identity. They can register even anonymously.

However, one must be at least 10 years old to register. They can bookmark their favorite article or answer, leave their own comment, and questions. In addition, the app features an anonymous counselling service 24/7 where they can seek expert advice from medical doctors. Parents can also sign up for their own individual accounts and get a clear picture of what information their children are being served through the app. A single device can be shared by many users to use the app. All they have to do is to create their own account and use the app by signing into their own account from any mobile device connected to internet.

The app is absolutely free to download and use.

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